Just like most things that we choose to use, protein supplements like whey isolates too come with their unfair share of stigmas and opinions. One doesn’t have to be a nutritionist or physician to outrightly pass judgements that all gym goers and athletes have heard at many points in their life :

“You use protein powder ? Why don’t you go the natural route ?”

Ignorance is bliss…but not always, people often tend to be intimidated by things they don’t know much about and that is the primary reason behind protein supplements, specifically protein isolates being termed as “steroids” and “unnatural”. The fact is that this couldn’t be further from the truth, whey is essentially a byproduct of milk and a form of pure natural protein which doesn’t have any negative side effects as long as it is taken in an appropriate amount. 

“You take protein supplements ? Do you want to damage your kidneys ?!”

Sadly this stigma of a high protein diet being the cause of kidney stones and kidney damage gets passed around almost as if it were a certainty. The truth is that a lack of water in your diet and an unhealthy amount of protein may cause kidney stones but as long as one includes a healthy and sufficient amount of protein in their daily diet, not only will they be more energetic but they will also have faster and better muscle recovery. 

“Don’t use protein supplements, you’ll end up very bulky”

Another opinion that most fitness enthusiasts never asked for but still got in the form of “free advice” is that using protein supplements will magically turn a person into a mass monster overnight. It is a myth that many professional bodybuilders would hope was true, but know that it isn’t. It is not what macronutrient (Protein, carbs, fats) you eat but how many calories that you intake that decides the size of your body. The truth is that pure whey protein supplements are actually an excellent choice to include in your diet in order to lose weight! 


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